Learning to Thrive
in a Toxic World

and the Impact of Clinical Endocrinology and BHRT, A Reference for Healthcare Practitioners and Patients. 

Lisa Everett Andersen, RPh, CCN, FACA, FIACP dispenses a different prescription.

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To me, the balance on the cover of this book represents my profession and a constant challenge: balancing all the aspects of life. Optimal health requires a balance in work, play, spiritual connection, nutritional chemistry, and hormonal chemistry. …

To me, the balance on the cover of this book represents my profession and a constant challenge: balancing all the aspects of life. Optimal health requires a balance in work, play, spiritual connection, nutritional chemistry, and hormonal chemistry. The image also points out that we have lost balance in our society - the power of corporations is no longer in balance with that of citizens. This has contributed to the loss of checks and balances in our government as well the decline in our healthcare, our educational institutions, our media, etc. The need for these corrections is why we are indeed a work in progress. My goal is to continue my journey towards achieving a more balanced life. It is my hope that this book can encourage others to do the same.

~ Lisa Everett Andersen

What you’ll find inside:

Section I. Problems: Our State of Health and How We Got Here

Chapter 1. Problem 1: The Environment Is Making us Sick

I. Environmental Factors: X Marks Our Spots

II. X-amples of Everyday Xenobiotics

III. Xenobiotics, Gender, and Puberty

IV. Unfriendly Foreigners: Xenoestrogens

V. A Prime Source of Xenobiotics: Farms, Lawns, and Golf Courses

VI. Hellacious Halogens

VII. Heavy Metals Weigh Us Down

VIII. The Field of Danger: Electromagnetic Field Radiation (EMFR)

IX. Hi Ho Nano-Silver

Chapter 2.  Problem 2: Our Food is Making Us Sick 

I. What Happened to Our Food? A Wealthy Country Poor in Nutrition and Rich in Chemicals

II. Fertilizing Depletes Nutrition

III. Sterilizing the Soil Kills Nutrition

IV. Plucking out Vital Nutrients Through Early Harvesting

V. Breeding Out Nourishment With Selective Hybridization

VI. Obliterating Nutrients Through Food Processing and Microwaving

VII. Engineering Out Nutrition with GMOs

VIII. Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion

Chapter 3. Problem 3: The Unwholesome Union of Politics, Government, Corporations, and Educational Institutions is Poisoning Our Health

I. The Evolution of Corporations and Their Power

II. The Industrialization of Food

III. Taking a Corporate Bite: The Politics of Food

IV. The Role of Government

V. How the Tangled Web of Government and Special Interests Affects Us: The Link Between Biotech, Government, and Food

VI. How Educational Institutions, Corporations, and Governments Conspire to Poison Minds, Foods, and the Environment

Chapter 4.  Problem 4:  The Unwholesome Union of Insurance, Pharmaceutical and Medical Conglomerates, and Government is Infecting Our Healthcare System

I. Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies Have a Lethal Grip on Healthcare Policy: Sub-Standards of Care

II. Watching the Watch Dog: The FDA and Drug Safety

III. Drug Deals: The Tangled Story Behind Prescription Drug Costs

IV. The Ever-Evolving Pharmaceutical Industry

V. How Hospitals Make Us Sick and Poor

VI. Daunting Issues in Assisted Living and Long-Term Care Facilities

VII. The Squashing of Alternative Medicine: Fighting for Our Rights to Use Herbs, Supplements, and Homeopathic Remedies

Section II.  Heart of Health Solutions: We Can Heal Ourselves and Our Planet


 Chapter 5. Making a Difference

I. Avoiding Xenobiotics, Xenoestrogens, and GMOs

II. Eating Less Beef Helps Save the Planet

III. Avoiding Drinking Problems

IV. Weaning Off the Bottle

V. Creating a Safer Kitchen

VI. Reducing Toxins in Our Home and Elsewhere

VII. Greening the Lawn in Ecological Harmony

VIII. Searching out Natural Health and Beauty Aides

IX. Protecting Ourselves from Harmful Electromagnetic Field Pollution (EMFP): Energy Matters

X. Utilizing and Sourcing Energy

Chapter 6. The Balancing Act: Work, Movement, Play, and Rest

I. Gratifying Work

II. Meaningful Movement: Moving into Better Health

III. Play Your Way to Health and Happiness

IV. Sweet Slumber

Chapter 7. Creating a Spiritual Practice 

I. Studying The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection (Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology) 

II. Deepening Spiritual Practice For a Richer Life

III. Creating Affirmations and Unconditional Self-Love

IV. Creating a Healing Meditation Practice

V. Taking Time to Balance Your Chakras

VI. Incorporating Visualization and Meditation

VII. Integrating Healing Bodywork

Chapter 8. Dietary Dilemmas: How the Standard American Diet and Dieting Betray Us

I. It Is Easy to Feel Confused

II. Addictive Processed Foods

III. Energy Draining Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

IV. Packets of Poison (Artificial Sweeteners)

V. Soda Pop: Bubbling Over With Packets of Poison or Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

VI. Fats: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

VII. Dairy: The Coffin's Nail

VIII. Low Carb/High Protein/High Fat: The Devastating Loser’s Diet

Chapter 9. Delectable Dining: Reclaiming Our Health One Bite at a Time

I. Eating Clean

II. Consuming a High Fiber Diet

III. Creating Health Through an Alkalinizing Diet

IV. Combining Foods for Better Digestion

V. Understanding and Respecting Our Chronobiology When We Eat

VI. Examining the Day of an Enlightened Eater

VII. Keeping the Chain Strong: Where to Eat on the Food Chain

VIII. Defining a Serving Size

IX. Drinking Purified Water

X. Refining the Layers of the Food Guide Pyramid

XI. Spice Up the Diet

XII. How You Eat Makes a Difference: Setting the Food Stage

Chapter 10. Dairy, the Great American Whey: The Sip That Ruins Lives

I. The Dairy Whitewash

II. A Bit of History: Milking the Dairy Business

III. Cheese It: Americans Gobble Up the Dairy

IV. Wiping Off The White Mustache Before It Calcifies Reaps Health Benefits

V. The Marvels of Mammalian Milk

VI. Cow’s Milk Versus Mom’s Milk: What Is the Difference?

VII. Dairy: Taste the Toxins

VIII. GMO Corn and Soy Create GMO Milk

IX. Bt Toxin Invades Our Cappuccinos

X. Naughty Nitrogen-Based Fertilizers Infect Our Ice Cream

XI. Dairy Pathogens Attack Our Bodies

XII. Dosing Drugs Harms Cows, Humans, and the Ecosystem

XIII. Milk Them For All They Are Worth: Synthetic Hormones Shorten Life Spans for Cows, People, and Plants

XIV. How Homogenization Hurts Us

XV. Pasteurization Problems

XVI. Dairy Noir: The Slippery Slope to Premature Death

XVII. How the White Stuff Goes Wrong: It Begins in the Gut

XVIII. The Body Battles the Dairy Invasion

XIX. News Flash: Nursing and Dairy Do Not Mix

XX. Dairy Degenerates Our Brain and Nerve Cells

XXI. Dairy Detonates Migraines

XXII. Casein Cravings: Dairy as an Addiction

XXIII. Dairy Stills the Beating Heart

XXIV. Generating Cancer Cells with Dairy Consumption

XXV. Dairy Causes Weight Gain and Type II Diabetes

XXVI. Dairy Pollutes the Skin

XXVII. Bones of Contention: Dairy Whittles Away Our Bone Density

XXVIII. The Calcium Conundrum: What Is Enough?

XXIX. No Cow’s Milk Is Healthy, Not Even Homogenized, Pasteurized, Skim, Raw, Organic, or A-2

XXX. Give Up Dairy - Help Save the Planet

XXXI. Enjoying Non-Dairy Milk Products

XXXII. When Moms Need Help Breastfeeding

Chapter 11. Augmenting Our Food: Therapeutic Supplementation

I. The RDA Is the “Minimum Wage of Nutrition”

II. Supplementation Goals: From Minimum to Optimum to Therapeutic

III. Choosing the Right Vitamins

IV. Building a Supplementation Program

V. The Magic of Mighty Multiples

VI. The ABCs of Your Multi-Vitamin and Mineral Supplementation

Vitamin A 

Vitamin B

Betaine HCl

Citrus Bioflavonoids

Boron Citrate

Vitamin C

Choline Bitartrate

Chromium Polynicotinate



Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Glutamic Acid HCL




Vitamin K

Manganese Citrate



N-Acetyl L-Cysteine


Potassium Citrate and Ascorbate


Trace Elements from Bentonite


Zinc Picolinate

Calcium and Magnesium Aspartate, Ascorbate, Chelate, and Glycinate

VII. Incorporating Non-Vitamin Antioxidants

VIII. Embracing Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)

Chapter 12. The Detoxification Journey

I. Toxic Accumulation Becomes our Nemesis

II. Our Innate Abilities to Prevent Toxic Accumulation

III. Daily Detoxification Strategies

IV. What Are the Organs for Detoxification?

V. Going Deeper Into Detox

VI. Understanding Herxheimer Reactions

VII. Choosing Between Whole Body and Targeted Cleansing

VIII. Starting at the Bottom: Detoxing the Colon

IX. Cleansing the Liver and Gallbladder

X. Kidney Detox

XI. Heart and Lung Detox

XII. Detoxing From Heavy Metals

Section III. Sex, Lies and Hormones: Connecting it All Through Applied Endocrinology

Chapter 13.  Understanding the Role of Our Hormones: Endocrine Physiology

I. The Metabolism, Fate, and Excretion of the Sex Hormones: When Heroes Can Become Villains

II. The Adrenal Glands and Their Hormones

III. The Essential Origin, Cholesterol

IV. Pregnenolone

V. DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)

VI. Cortisol

VII. The Female Sexual Cycle: Menstruation Cycle

VIII. Progesterone

IX. Estrogens

X. Androstenedione

XI. Testosterone

XII. Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

XIII. Melatonin

XIV. Oxytocin

XV. Thyroid

Chapter 14. Natural (Bio-Identical) Versus Synthetic Hormones: What Is the Difference?

I. Not All “Hormones” Are Created Equal

II. The Reasons They Created Synthetic Steroids

III. Progesterone Versus Progestin: What a Difference an Atom Makes

IV. Pregnenolone Versus Synthetic Corticosteroids

V. Hard to Swallow: The Real Estrogen Story

VI. Keeping Your Feminine Nature with Bio-Identical Testosterone

Chapter 15. Six Principles of Successful Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

I.  Six Principles of Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

II. Use Bio-Identical Hormones

III. Mimic the Body’s Distribution System

IV. Preserve the Body’s Delicate Balance

V. Customize the Dosage

VI. Enrich the Diet with Fruits and Vegetables

VII. Increase Hormone Effectiveness with Multi-Vitamins and Minerals

Chapter 16. Dosage and Laboratory Monitoring 

I. Measuring Total and Free-Floating Fractions

II. Measuring Metabolites

III. The Saliva Testing Story

IV. Serum/Blood Tests

V. Targeting Optimal Levels: What Are We Looking For?

VI. Looking at Female Hormone Levels

VII. Testing Men

VIII. An Inside Story on Testing For Thyroid Function

Chapter 17. The Insiders Story on Using Bio-Identical Hormones Therapeutically: Clinical Considerations 

I. Connecting It All: Clinical Considerations When Balancing the Endocrine System

17.1  Adrenal Aberrations

I. Nutritional Support for the Adrenals

II. The Rules of Exercise for Adrenal Recovery

III. Hormonal Supplementation for Adrenals

IV. Pregnenolone: The Trailblazer

V. DHEA: The Protector

VI. The Problem with Taking Glandulars for Adrenal Support

17.2  Ovarian Obstacles

I. Understanding the Syndrome: PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome, Also Known as Premenstrual Tension and Premenstrual Dysphoria)

II. Natural and Nutritional Relief for PMS Symptoms

III. Ending Endometriosis and Fibroids

IV. Understanding Fibrocystic Breast Disease

V. Progesterone Deficient Pregnancies

VI. Latching On Lessons

VII. The Birth of the Blues: Postpartum Illnesses

VIII. Preventing Pregnancies Without the Pill

IX. Estrogens are Vital not Vile

X. Premature Ovarian Failure (PMOF)

XI.  Using Bio-Identical Hormones to Enhance Fertility

XII. Perimenopause

XIII. Menopause

XIV. Alleviating Symptoms of Menopause and Premature Ovarian Failure (PMOF)

XV. The Cycling Dilemma

XVI. Bi-est Versus Tri-est

XVII. Balancing Hormones in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

XVIII. Using Testosterone With Women

17.3 Testicular Tribulations

I. Easing Through Low Testosterone

II. Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

III. BPH - Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (Enlarged Prostate)

IV. Reclaiming Male Urogenital Health 

17.4  Children and Teens Also Have Hormone Issues

17.5  Boning Up as Hormones Fall

17.6 Other Heroic Hormones

I. Human Growth Hormones (HGH): Going Beyond Growing

II. Melatonin: Not Just for Sleep

III. Oxytocin: Clinical Considerations

17.7  Thyroid Troubles

 I. Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction

II. Treating Thyroid Dysfunction

III. Specific Therapies for Hypothyroidism

IV. Wilson’s Syndrome

V. Specific Therapies for Graves’ Disease and Other Hyperthyroidism

17.8 What Are the Side Effects of BHRT?

I. The Elephant in the Room

Chapter 18. Including a Pharmacist as Part of Your Healthcare Team

I. Compounding:  Personalized Medicine

II. Pharmaceutical Companies Mobilize the FDA to Fight Compounding Pharmacies - Why?

III. How to Choose a Compounding Pharmacy

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